This month’s Veteran of the Month is Steven Wasko. Our President, LJ Raspler, had the pleasure of meeting Steven at a local Business Networking meeting. During a brief but impactful exchange, Steven introduced himself as a Veteran deeply interested in Cook For Vets’ mission. As a member of a local Rotary Club, Steven expressed his enthusiasm for having LJ speak to his chapter, which supports Veteran causes. Thanks to Steven, LJ had the opportunity to speak at the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club. The Rotary Club has shown tremendous support through their various donations to Cook For Vets. Without this chance meeting with Steven, we would never have had the privilege of receiving such generous support. We are eternally grateful and recognize Steven as a Veteran dedicated to supporting others who have served and sacrificed.

Steven Wasko’s journey into military service was inspired by his parents, both U.S. Army officers. Proud to continue the family tradition, Steven served in the U.S. Army from 1990 to 2018, and achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. His service took him to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Jordan. Reflecting on his military career, Steven emphasized the importance of teamwork, stating, “We were all part of a team. What I did helped other members of the team.” Steven’s time in the military deeply impacted his life. He has always had great respect for the military and his service strengthened his bonds with fellow Veterans across generations. He shares, “We have common bonds which criss-cross generations and unite our actions with soldiers from Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Meuse-Argonne, D-Day, Inchon, the rice paddies of Vietnam, the sands of the Middle East, and will continue onward to future generations.”

An interesting anecdote Steven shares is how an unplanned deployment led to moving his wedding date forward by several months. His wife’s reminder, “Save a soldier’s life or make it better,” resonated with him throughout his military career and continues to guide his actions today. Even in retirement, Steven finds ways to support Veterans, whether helping someone in a grocery store or engaging in community service. His core principle of serving his brothers and sisters in arms remains unchanged.

Please join us in celebrating Steven Wasko for his service to our country.

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